Saturday, March 5, 2011

Last night I had a dream

Disclaimer... this is not about religion.  Or any religious belief.  This is about Spirit.  Blessings.

Let me paint you a picture that is so vivid you will be able to see, feel, smell, hear and taste the story I am about to tell you.  I hope I am able to do this in a way that you might experience as I did my dream.  If it was a dream.

First I want to share some background with you.  First.  I sent a link for a video,  to my whole family and a few friends.  There was nothing objectionable at all about this video, anyone one who believes in God or reads the Bible.  It is a 'sermon' given in verses of the Bible from Genesis  to Revelations.  Every book is covered.  
One of my sisters was not pleased that I had posted this to her facebook page.  I should ask first and I guess that is true to some degree, however when you want to share something really special, you don't think in those terms.  Well I kinda took it personally.  I would never put something on someones page that was inappropriate for them.  I didn't know she couldn't get videos so it was a bust anyway.

Second.  I belong to a group who's Shepard is Robert Rutherford pastor of  The Bridge in Eatonton, Georgia.    One of the folks on there had suggest I friend this lady who seemed from my point of view to be rather closed minded.  (Opinions can be dangerous, they keep you from going a head.  Or doing what might be wise)  I came to realize that lurking sometimes gets better results than 'in your face'.  I have come to see that now as quietly insinuating myself and beliefs toward other people.  Lurkers find truth without being pushed to it.  ( You may not understand what I just said but that's ok)

On to the dream.....

I had a hard time getting to sleep Friday night.  And once I did, I'm not sure just how asleep I really was.  Ever have a dream that you knew you were dreaming but still it seemed so real?  And if you woke up enough to realize you were out of the dream you wanted to go back to sleep to keep dreaming?  That's how it was for me.  

My dream started with my sister I'm not sure if she was on my computer or her own but I heard her banging on the key board and the tower and saying 'How dare you insinuate your belief on me.'  I was like wtf.   Some how or other she decided to go with me to this place.  It must have been a plantation at one time the house was big and had a lot of property.  We were packing our suitcases getting ready to go on this really long trip to get to this house. I'm not sure which one of us was driving.  When we got to the House the place was huge.  Massive.  Grand.  It was night time and the place was lit up like the fourth of July.  There were thousands of people there.  You could smell all manner of foods being served.  Table upon table filled with mouth watering delights.  Anything you might imagine to be eaten could be found.  How had they known to prepare for so many people, where were the outdoor grills they must have cooked for days on?  Then I started seeing people I knew from my facebook family.  I knew them instantly even though many had put pictures of their younger selves or not personal photos at all, on their web pages.  I knew them.  Then I realized I saw no cars.  I asked my sister if she remembered driving, neither of us did.  Where were our suitcases?  How did we get here?  One moment we want to come the next we were here and until it was noticed weren't worried about the legalistic of how all this came to be.  Through the crowds we heard someone was coming.  There was this big field like in field of dreams that was lighting up.  Everyone headed that way to see who it was that was coming.  The closer we got the brighter it became.  Yet still I could not see an individual person of importance at the center.  Still the light grew.  It became almost blinding.  Where was the light coming from?  Why do I feel so full of awe and wonder?  Why am I crying?  Everywhere I looked it was the same.  People were crying and beaming at the same time.  My sister beside me was crying and the look of love on her face, nearly broke my heart.  She reach out and hugged me.  Everyone was hugging someone.  The light got brighter still.  No one person had claimed the 'spot light'.  The light was not coming from any lamps or spot lights, yet it was all around.  

As I write this I am in tears, I feel myself as if I were still in that field.  I feel the light on me, warm and loving.  I see the friends I've made on facebook.  Not just those friends from one group but from all the groups I belong to.  Farmville,  my trans-brothers, my GLBT family, my living and dead family members.  I saw my Grandmother Jenkins and didn't wonder why someone who was dead for many years would be here in this field with living friends.  When no one claimed the center of attention I finally realized where our long awaited host was.  By what ever name you call God, and for me it is the Great Divine,  he/she/it, was is will ever be the light.  The light did have a source.  It came from everyone in that field.  There was no need for a light source, no need for the host to appear, the light and the host were the same.  The light came from with in me.  It comes from with in you.  The Christian bible calls him Jesus, by what ever name you call your greater power, it comes from with in.      Blessings.