Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sex and Gender Brought Me Back to The Divine (2)

Where Science and Religion Meet...
About six years ago I had a drug induced revelation, with out the drugs.  I was doing laundry at a laundry mat, sitting outside on the stoop, having a smoke when the universe exploded in my mind.  I witnessed the 'BIG BANG'.  No gas, no matter, just a swirling of ideas.  I 'saw' the thought of God.  As a single 'being' alone.  If I were the Great Divine alone, how would I know myself? How would I know light and dark, self and other, if I had nothing to compare with?  Alone, No movement, No light, No other?  What if God wanted to experience all? How could it, if there were no other, nothing but 'self'?

I know... lets create a being like self... (I AM) Let's create a place for this other to live, but how, when there is nothing other and from what does self create...  from self! from I AM.  

All this 'thought' got to spinning around one idea bumping into another idea, like molecules spinning and bumping faster and faster causing friction and heat until.....
 God 'thought' blows apart becoming ALL.  Not more, not less, but All.

Ever wonder what the Great Divine created every thing from?  Not magic, something from nothing.  I think it must have followed it's own rule that we live by and you can't get something from nothing.  So, where did it come from?  Children are apart of their parents, the DNA of both lives within the child.  We are the Children of the Divine, the Divine must also be apart of us.  The Bible says we are created in his image from the dust of the earth.  The earth had to come from some where.  

In that moment when I 'saw' the Big Bang in my mind I saw the creation of worlds, stars, day, night, plant, animal, fish, birds, bugs, and the human race.  I saw the 'God' spark, in everything. The Divine is All in All.  We are a part of All.  It answered so many questions.  We are literally the Divine's children.  Man, beast and planets.  This is how I now view the Divine.  

I only need to look at the stars and planets, the earth and oceans, the animals and my neighbor to see the Divine.  I believe Jesus understood this and tried to share it with his followers, he led the way showing us the path to our parent.  Abba Father.
( my under standing of GOD whom I call the GREAT DIVINE)

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